Hydration and Cold Weather

It’s important to keep drinking water in cold weather, even though we feel abut 40% less thirsty. Breathing cold drier air dehydrates us faster than in the summer. We exhale 100% saturated air, losing water with every breath.

How much of you is water? Turns out, less than I originally thought. Babies are born at about 78% water, though at year 1 this drops to 65%. Healthy adult females are at about 50-55% whereas adult males are at about 60% (women have more water-exluding adipose tissue). Water proportions are broken down as such: blood plasma is mostly water at 92%, lungs are 83%, muscles and kidneys 79%, brain and heart 73%, skin 64%, and bones 31%.  

Water’s body functions involve shock absorption, lubrication, temperature regulation, digestion, and dissolves and transports every nutrient and waste product in your body. 

If your blood volume drops because you are dehydrated, the heart has to work harder to circulate the blood thus increasing your blood pressure. Be careful of dehydrating drinks such as alcohol, carbonated soda (sparkling water is fine) and  more than your usual amounts of caffeinated drinks. Try room temperature or warmer water for increased absorption. Amounts are about 6-8 cups or 2 liters a day for most healthy adults. More if you are exercising, and even more if you are exercising outside in the cold.